The lucky winner will receive a Steam Whistle black T-shirt, green bottle opener, 'steam whistle' and a VIP tour of the brewery with nine of their closest friends.

What does the VIP tour include? Well, you take 9 of your friends on an intimate and interactive tour of the brewery and look at how four all-natural ingredients are transformed into a world class pilsner. The VIP tour will also include pizza, one souvenir per person, ice-cold pints and the "Good Beer Folks Guarantee" of a fun and memorable time.
The winner will receive further details on how to arrange for the tour.
How do you win? Be the first person to email me (address listed above)or post a comment with the name of the pub I listed as my favourite in my 2007 wrap up post.
Good Luck!
*The winner will have to be 19 years of age or older.
Your #1 pub of 2007 was the Henry House in Halifax.
Congratulations to Gordon Jones of Toronto who was the first to name the Henry House as my favourite pub of 2007.
Thank you to all those who emailed me with their answers. More contests to come in the future.
And thank you to the good folks at Steam Whistle for providing the prize.
I am surprised Feathers didnt make the top of your list!
Feathers is right up there. But the Henry House has yet to be de-throned.
Thanks for the recommendation about Feathers ... we'll check it out.
Hi Troy! We did the tour today ... lots of fun! Thanks!
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