And speaking of Duggan, I cracked open a 500ml bottle of his Number 9 IPA tonight (a left-over from the Canadian Brewing Awards judging) and damn, did it ever taste fine.
The Number 9 pours a lovely mahogany with a rocky thick off-white layer of head with good retention that never quite leaves. Once it does thin lacing appears around the pint glass. It is pretty dark for the style, a brown IPA if you will. There's a lot going on in the nose - caramel malt, a touch of roasted nut, and plenty of citrus hop notes of tangerine and kiwi that share space with that pine needle aroma. Medium bodied and lightly bitter (not one of those crazy hop bombs) on the tongue, this IPA bares a nice citrus flavour that is well-rounded and nicely balanced with soft cloying caramelly malt. A very well done IPA, and produced here in Ontario! Looking forward to its release in bottles.
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