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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Discovery Pack Heading Back to LCBO

Back in October, the Ontario Craft Brewers released a Discovery pack that featured six different OCB beers. Wellington Special Pale Ale, Mill Street Organic Lager, Great Lakes Red Leaf Smooth Lager, J.R. Brickman Pilsner, Walkerville Amber Lager, and Lakes of Muskoka Cream Ale.

The Discovery Pack received a fair bit of flack from the beer geeks as four of the beers were lagers and two were lighter ales, beers that aren't considered fall/early winter brews. But the OCB did a great job marketing it, brewers did a good job selling it and the LCBO staff were happy to push it. It made for a good conversation starter at dinner parties, helped bring awareness to the OCB members (the pack included tasting notes and a OCB pamphlet) and its always good to have a variety sitting around the house for surprise visits.

Surprised at how well the Discovery Packs sold in the LCBO's, the OCB was asked to release them again. I had heard that it wouldn't be until the fall when a new Discovery Pack (this time with more diverse autumn beers)would be released, but news coming from the OCB themselves claim the same Discovery Pack is on its way back to the LCBO as we speak.

Next time your out buying beer for a get together or you are interested in trying some OCB beer, pick up the Discovery Pack and read all about the benefits of good craft beer while enjoying some good lagers.

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